Friday, November 21, 2014

A New Blog About My Disgust Over Being Portrayed as One Who Blogs

Greetings, loyal subjects of Latveria and other readers of this blog.

As further details emerge on the travesty that is the new Fantastic Four film, the blood of your most diabolical and nefarious leader continues to boil. I had to drop one of my loyal underlings into a vat of molten steel to cope with the pain.

Although part of me adores the idea of my greatest adversary, Reed Richards, being portrayed as measly convenience store clerk, I simply cannot accept how these foolish miscreants are portraying the great Victor Von Doom.

As previously stated, I am livid that they would dare to portray me as some sort of blogger/programmer type who likely never leaves his mother's basement. However, this new plot synopsis has made me even more vengeful, largely due to this description of the film's conclusion (SPOILER ALERT MY LOYAL SUBJECTS):

There's a countdown before it reaches critical mass. Inside the N-Zone, the four battle Doom again, and manage to leave him trapped there after he disfigures himself soaking up too much power. The Four manage to escape, but Ben gets the blunt of it to protect Reed and can't switch back.

The machine is destroyed, Doom is gone, the four have learned to work as a team, and Reed vows to find a cure for Ben. And it ends there.

The gall of these idiots to portray Victor Von Doom as one who could EVER be defeated! They should know by now that I am not one who can be so easily disposed of, especially not by a team of nincompoops like the Fantastic Four! I mean sure, they've defeated me 7,328 times in the comic books, but just barely! I almost won the majority of those battles!

Again, I ask for your support, loyal Latverians, as I continue to protest this vile film. Together, we will prevail! We will make sure this affront to my character never sees the light of day, one blog at a time! I ask all of you to continue to blog, tweet and post your disdain for this film everywhere on the internet. Together, we can make sure that no one will go to see this movie. We may even succeed in swaying the opinion of movie critics, ensuring the 2% Rotten Tomatoes score that this film so surely deserves.

We will not fail. ALL HAIL DOOM!

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